P.O. Box 128376 • Nashville TN, 37212 contact@waterwalkerstn.org

Join the Groundswell
of Monthly Donors


[ground-swel] noun
1. a broad deep undulation of the ocean caused by a distant storm or seismic disturbance
2. any surge of support, approval, or enthusiasm, especially among the general public

What is Groundswell?

Groundswell is a “surge of support” from monthly contributions. In the same way a swell generates waves in the ocean, these gifts create a wave of enthusiasm that lifts our day-to-day operations. As a monthly donor, you ensure that underserved youth receive consistent educational support, meals, counseling, and access to memorable outdoor adventures.

How much should I give?

Knowing that our supporters come from a variety of financial situations, we’ve suggested giving opportunities by various levels. From only $10/month (the equivalent of about 2-3 coffees, one meal, or a month of streaming service) to $500/month, you can plug in where you feel you can have the most impact.

Suggested Monthly Donation Levels

Goal for 2024 = $5,000/month total

Current Status: $ 0
Current Status:
$ 0

Here are some example costs:

$ 0 /mo
provides 50 outdoor adventures throughout the year for 4 kids!
$ 0 /mo
pays the annual wages of 1 teen in our leadership program
$ 0 /mo
provides educational enrichment activities for 1 child year round
$ 0 /mo
provides weekly counseling from a licensed therapist for 1 child year round
$ 0 /mo
provides all transportation costs for 2 children year round
$ 0 /mo
provides food for 1 child and family year round
$ 0 /mo
provides swimwear and life jacket for 2 children

Make waves with us!